
Lee Evans talks Career and Advice with Recording Connection

Lee Evans Talks Career Advice with Recording Connection

Our very own CEO, Lee Evans, sat down with Recording Connection to talk about his career and advice he had. Lee Evans has over 20 years in the music industry, beginning in his early years. Lee has accomplished great things as a member of The Fourth Edition. In this group, Lee was able to tour with some of the biggest names in music. After a long career performing, he decided to take his knowledge and help others and opened JAMBOX Entertainment Studios.

Lee has run JAMBOX Studios for over 20 years helping new and established artists make the best of their music. Evans is not one to run from artists in need of guidance. Due to this, Lee agreed to chat with those at Recording Connection to share some of his advice to new artists and career insights. With over three decades of experience in the music industry, he reveals some of the key things that have helped make him successful. Evans touches on the importance of never critiquing an artist without offering them a “fix”. If you just tell an artist that they aren’t great, it doesn’t help foster a good creative relationship between producer and artist. Also, he mentioned that “A lot of artists are a bit insecure about what they want to do. So you have to make them feel secure about working with you…”

To hear more wisdom and a peek into the career tips of a Music Veteran, check out the full article.


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